Education and Empowerment of Rural India
With the 1.25 billion headcount of Indians and growing, the agricultural sector has not just remain tactical, it has become a strategic. The workforce employed in the Indian agricultural sector are not skilled enough to increase the productivity to feed the surging population, specially in the scenario where the weather pattern is changing year by year. Hence need of the hour is that our farmers should become manage to tackle all these hostile condition. For this to achieve the legacy of good education should be incorporated.

More a rural individual educated, the better choice he/she can make in terms of:-
1. Crop selection.
2. Sowing season
3. Preventive action.
4. Best method in practices.

More a rural individual educated, the better choice he/she can make in terms of:-
1. Crop selection.
2. Sowing season
3. Preventive action.
4. Best method in practices.

Education adds productive value in two broad ways: a). Worker effect (Accomplish more with resources at hand) b). Allocative effect (May enhance workers ability to acquire and decode information about cost and productive characteristics of other inputs)
Thus our farmers endowed with education and their application will become economically empowered at one hand and cause social upliftment at the other.